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Member Webcam Shows | YES |
24/7 Cam | NO |
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Cost/Month | $24.95 |
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Latest Updates by Tiffany Preston:
Wed Dec 8 - A dick in a box!
Thu Nov 25 - I love big cars!
Thu Nov 11 - White satin corset
Thu Oct 28 - Upskirt peek in stairs
Thu Oct 14 - Tits flashing near pool
Thu Oct 7 - Car pussy rubbing
Wed Sep 22 - Bride fuck on couch
Fri Sep 17 - DP with blue dildo
Wed Sep 8 - Tight jeans strip-tease
Wed Sep 1 - My panties parade
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site summary:
_____________________________________________________________________________ |[Tiffany Preston, Nude Model and Hardcore Glamour Girl] | | ADULTS (18 YEARS+) ONLY. | | ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS | | This website contains | | nudity and depictions of a | | sexual nature. All | | materials beyond this page | | are intended and and | | authorized for access by | | CONSENTING ADULTS ONLY. No | | minors are authorized, | | allowed or permitted to | | enter beyond this point. | | Minors are persons under | | the age of 18 or 21 years | | in places in which 18 years | | is not the legal age of | | majority. You must | | truthfully answer the | |[images/ following question before | |disclaimer_02.jpg] you are authorized to [images/disclaimer_04.jpg] | | proceed: | | When you enter you certify | | the following: | | I do not find images of | | nude adults, adults engaged | | in sex, or other sexual | | material to be offensive or | | objectionable. | | I am at least 18 years of | | age (21 in some localities) | | and have the legal right to | | posses adult material in my | | community. | | I understand the laws of | | the community, site and | | computer to which I am | | transporting this material, | | and am solely responsible | | for my actions. | |[images/disclaimer_05.jpg][images/disclaimer_06.gif][images/ | |disclaimer_07.jpg] | |[images/disclaimer_08.jpg] | | If you meet the conditions above and wish to continue, click ENTER. | | Click "ENTER" above only after you have read and agreed to the following | | legal notices: "This website includes visual, audio, and/or textual | | depictions of nudity and sex. Persons under eighteen years of age (and | |twenty-one in some areas) and persons who may be offended by nudity or sexual| | depictions may not directly or indirectly download, acquire, view, read, | | listen to, or possess any photograph, video file, sound file, textual | |material, advertisement, or other communication, message or other content at,| |in, or through TiffanyPreston, nor place any order for any goods or services | | at, in, or through connection to, or from, TiffanyPreston. If you are under | | the age of eighteen years (or twenty-one in some areas), or are offended by | | such materials, or are acting on behalf of, or under the direction of any | | governmental agency, you are not authorized to download any materials from | |TiffanyPreston and any and all such downloading shall constitute intentional | | infringement of TiffanyPreston's rights in such materials. All materials, | | messages, and other communications contained at TiffanyPreston are intended | | for distribution exclusively to consenting adults in locations where such | | materials, messages and other communications do not violate any community | | standards or any federal, state or local law or regulation of the United | | States or any other country. Any and all unauthorized downloading of | | materials from TiffanyPreston shall constitute intentional infringement of | |TiffanyPreston's rights in such materials. Viewing this site if you are under| | age is prohibited by federal, state and local laws and is subject to | | prosecution by the applicable authorities. By proceeding any further into | | this site, you agree to being familiar with the laws of your community, and | |that you are 18 years old (21 in some areas) or older and that the viewing of| | adult material is legal in your area and that you are seeking to view adult | | sexual situations. Furthermore you agree that you do not find this type of | | material offensive and you release and discharge all involved in the | | production and maintenance of this site from any and all liabilities. All | | images are non-violent, any images which might be interpreted by some as | |violent are simulations only. No humans were harmed in the production of this| |content. All of the performers depicted on this site are 18 years old or more| | and have consented to perform of their own free will and have signed photo | | releases, all of which are kept on permanent file at TiffanyPreston. Any | | copyright violations will be gladly removed if brought to our attention. | | Because of the unique nature of the Usenet and the unlimited nature of who | | posts what pictures, please notify us of illegal photos and they will be | | removed. " | | Click_the_banner_to_visit_my_Kinky_side! | | [http://www.Mybestfetish.com/banners/mbf468-1.gif] | |Read_what_Fooxy_reviews_as_too_say_about_me! | |All models were at least 18 years old when they were photographed. | |We strongly support parental controls on the Internet. These web pages are | |not intended to be viewed by minors. | |If you are a parent and you want to block this site, please visit these | |sites: | || Net_Nanny | Cyber_Patrol | Cybersitter | | |18_U.S.C._2257_Record-Keeping_Requirements_Compliance_Statement | |PLEASE REPORT Child Exploitating Sites at ASACP OR Cybertip.Ca | |These organisations work with the Adult Industry to fight child pornography | |[images/disclaimer_bottom.jpg] | | [http://www.tiffanypreston.com/stuff_images/hook.gif] | |©_Design_:_3xWebDesign.Com_for_TiffanyPreston._2005-2008_All_rights_reserved_|
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