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Current Webcam Model - Annabelle Angel

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Annabelle Angel

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Site Info:

Member Webcam Shows YES
24/7 Cam NO
High Def YES
Trial NO

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site summary:

Here is what Annabelle has to say about herself: How old are you?- "18"
Brothers?- "I have one brother, hes 21."
Sisters?- "I am an identical twin, TRYING TO GET HER ON THE SITE but its not working lol, and a 40 year old step sister."
Police Record?- "LOL. I'm a good girl,a.k.a (im smart and don't get caught!)"
Favorite dwarf?-"Sleeeeepyyy <3 hes soooo cute"
Sports?- "I love lacrosse- i was captain for 2 years, I like football IF IM PLAYING AND KICKING ASS. And tennis. Sometimes boxing."
How many pairs of shoes do you own?-"Shoes? ok sneaker? I collect them, Heals? hahah didnt you hear that i can't walk in them if my life depended on it, about 15 pairs of high heals and sneakers- im picky so like 8"
What is your favorite toy?-"I dont have a specific toy, but I have this cream that you put on your vagina and it contracts the muscles, to make you REALLY tight. I lalal love that!"
How often do you play with yourself?-"A LOTTTTTTT!!!! im addicted!"
Do you prefer toys or your fingers when you touch yourself?-"My hands are my best trade! or the shower head!"
Have you ever masturbated in public?-" I did once oops!"
Spit or swallow?-"I am a spitter- if you get me horny enough I will swallow!"
What was the last book you read?-"The Secret- I read soOOO muchI love to read"

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